• The Indigo Green Foundation

to the IGF website

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This website is presented by the Indigo Green Foundation as a source of information for the owners of property within Indigo Green.


This website was launched because there are many documents and matters that concern the property owners in Indigo Green and we wish to make such information easily available to all. This site will enable the Indigo Green Foundation to disseminate information more effectively to its participants wherever they may be.


The goals of this website are many and will no doubt evolve over time.

1. The IGF’s first goal is to publish information related to Indigo Green that is either in the public records, and may already have been provided to owners in Indigo Green. The IGF intends that this site will become a repository of useful information.

The information includes the long term land lease, the articles of incorporation of the IGF and the Community Building Regulations and Usage Prescriptions, the General Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the IGF. Making these documents available through this site will give owners quick access and ability to download them.

2. The next goal is to inform owners of developments and ongoing issues that affect the Indigo Green community, as most owners live outside of Sint Maarten and, in all likelihood, will not become aware of same in a timely fashion. The IGF intends to post information that may concern all, most or only some owners, yet the IGF deems should be known by all.

3. The IGF has several other projects that hopefully – with the help of future volunteers – the IGF will be able to roll-out over time. These include publishing a newsletter, and a FAQ page to address the most common issues facing Indigo Green owners.

The IGF hopes that by better informing its owners in an independent, factual and constructive manner, people will take better decisions and better care of the community, its management and its future.

Finally, the IGF also hopes that this website will prove to be useful by helping the Indigo Green community meet its greatest potential.